Virtual & Onsite On-boarding: How to Welcome, Engage & Retain New Hires




Learn to develop an effective virtual and onsite on-boarding program to assist new hires in becoming effective members of the organization.

Course Description

How badly do you want to retain your new hires???

Effective on-boarding leads to positive outcomes for the new employee in terms of higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater organization commitment, and reduction in stress and intent to quit. Introducing an on-boarding program into your hiring process can mean the difference between retaining top new hires or watching them walk out the door after several months.

On-boarding occurs in the period between offer acceptance and full integration into your organization. Your job is to have an effective on-boarding program in place to assist your new employees in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective members of the organization. In addition to dotting all the compliance i’s and crossing all the paperwork t’s, on-boarding should also help new employees feel like a valuable member of the team. Above all, a warm welcome from teammates and a smooth introduction to the expectations of the new role can promote engagement and retention right from the start.

Traditional orientation programs usually consist of a data dump of information (policies and procedures, benefits information, safety information, etc.) on the new hire’s first or second day on the job. This one-stop, one-time approach results in an information overload problem for your new employee. Moreover, utilizing a phased-approach enables new employees to build relationships with co-workers and with those who will have a part in managing, coaching, mentoring and supporting them.

Areas Covered
  • “On-boarding” vs. “Orientation”
  • On-boarding new hires in virtual locations
  • Why effective on-boarding is so critical
  • Benefits of an effective on-boarding program
  • Obtaining senior leadership buy-in when revising a current program or developing a new program
  • Step-by-step approach to creating an effective on-boarding program
  • Developing and utilizing on-boarding checklists
  • Preparation work you MUST do before your new hires’ first day
  • HR, Managers, IT and others’ responsibilities throughout the process
  • Developing a “Buddy” program
  • Asking for feedback from new employees
  • Evaluating your new program
Who Will Benefit
  • Recruiting professionals
  • Human Resources professionals
  • Senior Management
  • Managers & Supervisors
  • Compliance professionals
About the Instructor:

Diane L. Dee, President and Founder of Advantage HR Consulting, LLC is a senior Human Resources professional with over 25 years of experience in the HR arena. Diane’s background includes experience in HR consulting, training, and administration in corporate, government, consulting and pro bono environments.

She founded Advantage HR Consulting in early 2016. Under Diane’s leadership, Advantage HR Consulting provides comprehensive, cost-effective Human Resources solutions for small to mid-sized public and private firms in the greater Chicagoland area. She also develops and conducts webinars on a wide variety of HR compliance and administrative topics for various training firms across the country. Additionally, Daine is the author of multiple white papers and e-books addressing various HR compliance topics.

Diane holds a Master Certificate in Human Resources from Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations and has attained SPHR and SHRM-SCP certification. Additionally, she performs pro bono work through the Taproot Foundation assisting non-profit clients by integrating their Human Resources goals with their corporate strategies.

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