Conflict Resolution: Apology, Forgiveness and Reconciliation




This webinar will discuss how to properly apply apology and forgiveness to positively impact the team and the workplace at large.
Course Description

“If only they would have apologized from the start/at the beginning/right after it happened.” How many times have, we said or heard those or similar words either at work, or in our personal lives?

This session will take a deeper dive to explore one of the more mysterious aspects of relationships impacting all our lives and workplaces namely Apology and Forgiveness, and how they impact reconciliation.

As the webinar presents these two concepts of Apology and Forgiveness and their application to both the workplace and life in general, it might help to visualize them as two sides of the same “relationship coin” which, if done properly can be the currency used to mend, repair or otherwise invest in the relationship, hopefully enriching it, and possibly even achieving reconciliation!

As a participant, you will learn how to facilitate the apology and forgiveness process professionally and ensure continued cooperative functioning within the team.

Areas Covered
  • Assumptions/misunderstandings about how apology & forgiveness work
  • The Apology and Forgiveness Minefield
  • The need for apology & forgiveness
  • The cycle of grudges, pay back and revenge
  • Role of the “puppet master(s)”
  • The “ceremony” of apology & forgiveness
  • Role of the “community”
  • Defining Apology and Forgiveness
  • The path to apology and forgiveness
  • Types and differing categories of Apology
  • What an Apology must not do/be
  • Minimal elements of Apology & Forgiveness
  • The Role of Time and Culture
  • Moving from Apology to Forgiveness
  • Types of Forgiveness
  • Criteria for Forgiveness
  • What forgiveness must not do/be
  • Models for Forgiveness
  • Signs of Forgiveness
Why Should You Attend?

There’s more to an apology and the possible forgiveness that might follow than meets the eye. However, because of emotions and the relationship(s) involved we all too often do not give these two tools for resolving our differences the attention they deserve which more often than not results in our failing to achieve reconciliation. But when and if properly applied these two tools can make a big difference in not only the workplace but in life in general.

This webinar will explore the elements of a proper apology and subsequent forgiveness with an eye toward the goal of reconciliation so all can move forward. This is especially crucial in the workplace where team members must work together to achieve common goals, and all cannot afford the luxury of differences, grudges, payback, or revenge that can negatively impact the team and even the workplace at large.

Who Will Benefit
  • Human Resources professionals
  • Senior Management
  • Managers & Supervisors
  • Labor Relations
  • Security Personnel
  • Compliance professionals
  • Legal
About The Instructor

Bob Oberstein has over 51 years of Employee and Labor Relations experience on both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors and is the recipient of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director’s Award for lifetime achievement in promoting positive Labor Management Relations. He was also the Director of the Labor Management Relations BA and certificate programs at Ottawa University, Phoenix where he developed and taught Apology and Forgiveness in Society as well as Labor Relations and Human Resources related courses on both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Bob has several published articles to his credit in addition to his arbitration awards. Additionally, Bob has served on many boards, commissions, and panels where he participated in resolving or adjudicating all manner of workplace issues in a variety of industries. Moreover, Bob holds a Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law from Tulane University’s School of Law. He continues to serve the labor-management community as well as other groups as an Arbitrator, Mediator, Facilitator, Investigator, and Educator.

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